
03 Jul 2023: If Carrie Bradshaw Can’t Say “Vagina”, Where Are We?

Sex and the City, you let us down!  As the 90’s gave way to a new century, you were the show generations of women found and loved in large part for the messaging of sexual empowerment.  You were the shining star for normalizing the female preoccupation with sex, love and friendship.  You elevated previously taboo subjects from whispered girl-talk to column-worthy, movie-worthy and book-worthy content.


09 Nov 2022: Weed Hangovers SUCK: Here’s How to Avoid One | Hello Again

While we all know about alcohol hangovers, there is little research done on the residual effects of cannabis or “weed hangover”. That means, going to sleep high and waking up – well, still high.Many people experience the hazy effects of overconsumption, but why does it happen? To be quite frank, there is insufficient evidence to nail down one certain cause.