We are often asked about cannabis research in general and academic support for cannabis suppositories like Hello Again. There are three primary barriers which contribute to the difficulty in initiating research geared toward answering pressing public health questions:
- the US regulatory status of cannabis and cannabinoids
- sources for cannabis and cannabinoid study medications
- limited funding and resources to support studies.
Despite these challenges, there are independent researchers and academic institutions studying the effects of cannabis for its intended use.
Most of these studies examine either inhaled cannabis or ingested cannabis and their findings aren’t relevant to a vaginal suppository like Hello Again. There is much medical support for the vaginal and rectal suppository as a safe and effective delivery system for medications. The cannabis-based suppository, in specific, is a special delivery method as the vaginal or rectal application avoids the digestive tract and the liver. The digestive tract and liver are where added psychoactivity is a by-product of the metabolization of THC. Instead of the systemic access of inhalation or ingestion, the suppository places cannabinoids directly on the dense cannabinoid receptors located in the female reproductive tract. The biological effect of cannabinoids meeting receptors is systemic balance.
Two such studies are summarized below.
“Lactobacilli” sounds like something one wouldn’t want growing in the vagina, but they are in fact, essential bacteria for a healthy vagina. These little gals coat the walls of the vagina and are responsible for maintaining a healthy pH balance and for fighting infections. In short, a lactobacilli dominant vagina is a resilient vagina.
Disrupting this lactobacili-powered healthy vaginal biome is cause for concern. Intimate care products have a huge responsibility for keeping the balance in tact. But, due to lack of regulation, intimate care manufacturers are not required to test the effects of their products on the space for which it is intended.
An independent entity, Apothecare, recently engaged an independent laboratory to evaluate the effects of 11 intimate care products in test tube/petri dish simulations of the vaginal microbiome. Both mainstream and cannabis based lubes, vaginal moisturizers, washes, deodorants and suppositories were included in the study. THC and CBD isolates were also tested separately from a product-based delivery.
Three of the eleven products negatively impacted the vaginal microbiome by inhibiting all species of lactobacilli. Two of these were highly recognizable and mainstream products. Hello Again, along with other cannabinoid-based products, was not found to adversely affect the vaginal microbiome; nor were the THC or CBD isolates.
Cannabis and Menopause: HOORAY FOR HARVARD
Harvard researchers Dr. Staci Gruber and Dr. Mary Kathryn Dahlgren recently published a study on the use of medical cannabis during perimenopause and postmenopause. (Menopause is defined as the time of life when a woman’s ovaries stop producing hormones and menstrual periods stop. A woman is said to be in menopause when she hasn’t had a period for 12 months in a row. Perimenopause is the often highly symptomatic, multi-year lead-in to menopause. Postmenopause is the time after menopause, when a woman hasn’t experienced a period for over a year. Some women do continue to experience symptoms of menopause in postmenopause). Their findings suggest that many individuals are currently using cannabis specifically for menopause-related symptoms. Symptoms like sleep disturbance and mood/anxiety are the most prevalent reasons for use.
Carrie and Patty aren’t surprised to see this link between menopause and cannabis. When they learned how cannabis engages the endocannabinoid system, they drew a direct line between their own menopause needs and the system-balancing effects of cannabis. In the years since the launch of Hello Again, Carrie and Patty have seen more women look to cannabis for menopause relief, monthly relief, restored sleep and more.
The Gruber/Dahlgren study also points out that vasomotor symptoms, like the common menopause-related hot flashes and night sweats, are probably contributing factors to the self-reported sleep disturbances and moodiness. Their “preclinical research indicate[d] that cannabinoid-based therapies can include vasorelaxation”. This may help alleviate the estrogen-related disruption of the systems which regulate blood flow and affect temperature regulation. Yep, cannabis can help regulate temperature. Whilany women light up to cool down, other form factors like edibles and suppositories also support temperature regulation.
Cannabis products sold in licensed dispensaries have been rigorously tested for potency and purity. Yep, every batch, every time. That little sticker on the box references batch numbers which correspond to Certificates of Authenticity. The California Cannabis Bureau maintains strict testing regulations for cannabis products legally sold in the state.
Our cannabis suppositories are made in a licensed facility on our own pharmaceutical grade suppository filling machine. Each batch is tested for cannabinoid levels, pesticides, mycotoxins, residual solvents, heavy metals and negative microbiology. In fact, we are quite certain that many mainstream grocery store products would not pass the testing required for our cannabis suppositories. Frankly, we wouldn’t want it any other way. Hello Again exists to help women feel like themselves again. The safety and well-being of our customers is our highest priority.
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