3 Ways to Deal with Menopause at Home

All women will reach menopause at some point. You’ll experience the hot flashes, the moodiness and depression, the sleep issues, and much more. It’s a significant biological change and is stressful for many women. However, it’s crucial to take care of yourself when going through this change, and there are countless ways to do so in the comfort of your own house. Read on to learn more about how to deal with menopause at home.

Make Sure You Exercise
When experiencing menopause, many women may gain weight around their abdomen, rather than their hips or thighs. Gaining weight is also a normal part of aging, but whether it’s menopause or simply getting older, you’ll want to prioritize your health by maintaining a regular exercise schedule. It’s generally recommended to exercise for thirty minutes a day, five days a week. This can be as simple as going for a half-hour walk after work each day, or as vigorous as doing a high-level workout. Either way, you’ll want to make sure you get your heart rate up, as proper exercise can help combat many symptoms of menopause, especially weight gain.
So how do you exercise properly at home? An easy way to begin working out in your house is to designate a space for it – remember, this should be a regular thing! An extra room is also a great opportunity to convert to a workout space or at-home gym. If you don’t want to invest too much, you can practice equipment-free exercises and workouts. There are many workout video tutorials available online that are easy to follow and able to be done anywhere.
If you want to build out more of a gym, you can take out a home equity loan to renovate your spare room into your perfect home workout space. This kind of loan has lower, fixed interest rates and is tax-deductible. You can use this money to redo the flooring of your new gym, build in a new window, install a wall mirror; the possibilities are endless! Regular use of a gym and working out is a great way to combat the symptoms and effects of menopause.

Maintain a Healthy Diet
At any stage in life, eating right is always a great thing to do for your health. Practicing healthy eating by incorporating fruits and vegetables into your diet and cutting out unhealthy foods such as soda and candy will benefit you in the long run. Keeping a healthy diet revolving around whole foods will help keep the weight off as well as help you feel your best. Make sure to stick to whole grains, high-quality protein, and lots of greens and to stay away from processed foods or snacks high in sugar or fat.
For menopause, it’s a good idea to avoid spicy foods, as they can exacerbate the hot flashes of menopause, as well as potentially upset your stomach. Alcohol is also bad for hot flashes and can interfere with the quality of your sleep, which may also worsen as you progress through menopause. A glass of wine here or there usually won’t hurt, but more than a drink a day could start to affect your symptoms. Unfortunately, you may need to say goodbye to your cup of morning coffee as caffeine can contribute to your hot flashes as well. This hormonal change can’t be avoided with a particular diet, but by sticking to a varied, healthy diet rich in whole foods, you can help alleviate its adverse effects.

Upgrade Your Sleeping Situation
Your sleep can suffer when experiencing menopause. Practicing healthy habits such as eating right and staying away from foods that may have adverse effects, in addition to proper and regular exercise will contribute to better sleep overall. Try adhering to a consistent sleep schedule so that your body’s circadian rhythm remains steady. This routine allows your body to wind down when it’s time for bed, making it easier to fall asleep.
However, you can take measures to upgrade your bedroom to ensure that you get the best quality sleep possible. It may be time to replace your mattress with one that offers adjustability or even temperature control. Adding a fan to run overnight or utilizing the air conditioner more when you sleep will help combat your hot flashes and discomfort. Ensuring that you avoid naps during the day will help you sleep better at night as well. You can also try consulting with your doctor and see if you need treatment to combat poor sleeping habits.
With menopause also comes changes in intimacy, both with your partner and with yourself, as your body is going through a variety of hormonal changes. It’s important here to communicate with your partner so that you can both navigate this new journey. Continuing to build trust can help you feel more comfortable as you continue through menopause.
An inevitable part of women’s lives, menopause can be a stressful time. However, there are many ways to work through the undesired effects, many of which can be done easily in the comfort of your own home. By taking care of yourself and your health as well as making your home as comfortable as you can, you put yourself in better shape to deal with the stress of menopause.