
09 Nov 2022: Weed Hangovers SUCK: Here’s How to Avoid One | Hello Again

While we all know about alcohol hangovers, there is little research done on the residual effects of cannabis or “weed hangover”. That means, going to sleep high and waking up – well, still high.Many people experience the hazy effects of overconsumption, but why does it happen? To be quite frank, there is insufficient evidence to nail down one certain cause. 

Does weed help alcohol hangovers?

17 Aug 2022: Does Weed Help Hangovers? Here are the Facts | Hello Again

One too many? Hangovers happen. We know you feel like you are never drinking again…but you still have to get through the morning after a big night. Many people have their go-to hangover cures and they can range from simple to elaborate remedies. What if there was an easy, natural hangover cure that could help you bounce back and move on. Today we are going to explore the question- Does weed help with hangovers?