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If brain fog, hot flashes, sleep issues, or vaginal dryness are cramping your style and killing your sex drive, this discussion is for you. Our founders, Carrie Mapes and Patty Pappas sat down with Dr. Michelle Sexton and the host of Casually Baked, Johanna Nuding, for an informative discussion at the intersection of cannabis, menopause, and women’s health.

Cannabis, Menopause & Women’s Health


If brain fog, hot flashes, sleep issues, or vaginal dryness are cramping your style and killing your sex drive, this discussion is for you. Our founders, Carrie Mapes and Patty Pappas sat down with Dr. Michelle Sexton and the host of Casually Baked, Johanna Nuding, for an informative discussion at the intersection of cannabis for menopause, and women’s health. We discuss science, life experience, the power of stigmas, and changing the perception of aging. We also learn important reasons to incorporate phytocannabinoids like THC and CBD as we age. Consider this an appetizer to the more in depth conversation that you can listen to on the Casually Baked podcast.

Take it away, Johanna….

We all know the power of feminine energy – so imagine if we all understand how to naturally regulate our rhythm with nature and feel better equipped and inspired to elevate our tribe and community. When we’re vibing we will elevate the experience – it’s inevitable. So, continue your education and invite your besties to join you on the journey.

Here are a few of the highlights on the nuts and bolts of things.

Endocannabinoids are produced by the brain and central nervous system in response to various states of health and fitness. Their job is to promote a constant state of homeostasis, or balance health. 

There are also microscopic receptors on the surface of cells throughout the human body with which cannabinoids interact. These receptors are known appropriately as endocannabinoid receptors. Together, endocannabinoids and endocannabinoid receptors make up the ECS. 

Your Endocannabinoid System (ECS) Regulates:

  • Appetite
  • Sleep
  • Mood
  • Relaxation
  • Forgetting
  • Protection

The ECS comprises cannabinoids, some of which the body naturally produces. It contains receptors such as CB1 and CB2, which function in the same way plant-derived cannabinoids do. It also contains enzymes that will create and even break down those cannabinoids within the body. As much as cannabinoids are produced naturally by your body, running low on them is possible. As a result, below-average levels of cannabinoids lead to an imbalance that will interfere with your bodily functions. Research points out this deficiency as a precursor to many diseases.

Our ECS slowly declines with age. Think about old people who complain about poor sleep and loss of appetite!

Phytocannabinoids (from hemp and cannabis) hone body systems by binding to receptors keeping them ”fit” and functioning. So learn the best way to supplement your wellness routine with CBD, THC, CBG, etc. I’m here to help!

ECS and Our Monthly Cycle

Hello Again products_photo by Jennifer Skog, MJ Lifestyle
It’s Not You. It’s Menopause.When menopause starts, and often well before, women can stop feeling like themselves. Hormones go haywire and with them your mood; temperature regulation goes out the window; restful sleep becomes a distant memory; and mental clarity vanishes. Women are left to “deal with it.” The founders of Hello Again think that’s unacceptable.“Our discretely dissolving unique cannabis-infused vaginal suppositories are formulated specifically for daytime and nighttime use so you can say Hello Again to YOU wherever and whenever you choose.” -Patty and Carrie

Our endogenous cannabinoids peak during our monthly cycle, so for cannabis consumers, you might notice a change in your tolerance or the pain-relieving effects. The THC is competing with our endogenous cannabinoid anandamide for the receptor. But as Dr. Sexton shared, the phytocannabinoid THC is a stronger binder than our endocannabinoid, Anandamide (aka the bliss molecule). All that said, just notice what’s happening in your body. You are unique – listen deeply and respond accordingly. Trust your womanly intuition.

THC may affect our estrogen receptors’ up-regulation – related to bone health. CB2 receptors (associated with phytocannabinoid CBD and our endogenous cannabinoid, 2-AG) have been shown important for bone health (BUILDING BONE) by correcting imbalances in the immune system.

The stigma of cannabis affects the choices many women make, as Carrie shared with us. So educate your grandmothers, mothers, and sisters about what you’ve learned at the intersection of cannabis for menopause, and women’s health.

I love that conversation today. I’ve loved it because I learned something and I really encourage you to go check out Hello Again, they’re only sold in California, but go ahead and follow them, their journey, their story, because there is a lot of value and a lot more to learn. 

by Johanna Nuding of Casually Baked

You can listen to full the podcast with Johanna Nuding, Carrie Mapes, Patty Pappas and Dr. Michelle Sexton at Casually Baked, Episode 204.

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